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Friday, April 16, 2010

Thoughts of the day

I lay in bed and questions come to mind. As I fall asleep, my body becomes numb, my soul leaves.

Are our heart beats in tune with the celestial melody? Does the universe move as your heart palpitates, if you run does it run, if you slow down does it slow down?
Our universe is expanding as Woody Allen would say.

Are navels the sole connection that guides us back to our origine, to our true nature of being, to our ancestors? Did we all have a navel since the beginning of time? Can we get to know our essence through them? Cut the ombilical cord.

And our brains, why only 5 % of it is used? I see the sky and I can only feel small and insignificant, so many questions and so much to learn.

Such a magestic view that you should appreciate, and think about it at least for 5 minutes. Break your routine. Appreciate life.
I wake up and I regain myself. I fall asleep once more.

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