
You can find DIY and inspiring posts.

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Much love and blessings

Monday, April 26, 2010

Follow me...

Follow me around

Just a regular Ladybug

Through these endless petals

Should I go up or should I go down?

Walking and walking on my six feets

Among the narrow paths

Inside this infinite destination

Where else should I go?

What more can I do?

I return, I move on...

I lost myself...

For a minute...

I thought.

There was no way out.

The more I climb, the more I realize

I want to leave.

I fly off and reach the earth.
(This is dedicated to this ladybug, she left us soon after that moment).

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thoughts of the day

I lay in bed and questions come to mind. As I fall asleep, my body becomes numb, my soul leaves.

Are our heart beats in tune with the celestial melody? Does the universe move as your heart palpitates, if you run does it run, if you slow down does it slow down?
Our universe is expanding as Woody Allen would say.

Are navels the sole connection that guides us back to our origine, to our true nature of being, to our ancestors? Did we all have a navel since the beginning of time? Can we get to know our essence through them? Cut the ombilical cord.

And our brains, why only 5 % of it is used? I see the sky and I can only feel small and insignificant, so many questions and so much to learn.

Such a magestic view that you should appreciate, and think about it at least for 5 minutes. Break your routine. Appreciate life.
I wake up and I regain myself. I fall asleep once more.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Flowers!

Here is a pot pourri of flowers that we currently have a home. We recently got two lovely new orchids, one a Phaleanopsis (the pale lime yellow) and the other a miltoniopsis (the almost burgundy one). A good way to take care of orchids is actually to keep them off direct sun and away from direct wind. Also, when you water them, don't water them from the top of the roots o the leaves, it will eventually kill them as they will retain a lot of water that will turn and attract fungus. So, a good way to water them is placing a tray with water and them placed them on it for a couple of minutes, remove them and then place them on some kitchen towel. Try to do it every two weeks. It should maintain the right moisture for the plant for that period. These tend to bloom only once a year, new roots will appear and do not replant them before a year or two.

Also this collage has Hyacinths (the blue ones) that bloomed in just a day! And they don't last much unfortunately, and they tend to bloom during spring only. You can eventually keep the bulbs after it stops flowering, and replant them before next winter, they will bloom in the coming spring!

Then, my two favorites, the yellow Freesias and Chrysanthemums. I love these two, the first because of it's fragrance, it is so powerful that it can fill a whole room! The latter I just think it's a happy flower, it immediately puts a smile on my face, and I have a nice memory with this one. :) These two we bought at the flower shop and they were cut, however, it is a good season for planting them now, so you might get some flowers by July-August!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Origami Easter Party!

Lately, I wanted to delve into the world of Origami. There are great websites related to this cute Japanese folding technique, and more precisely on tutorials that will guide you to make whatever you think is possible. I haven't reached a professional level yet, but I surely enjoyed an afternoon of origami to decorate a dull kitchen ceiling lamp for Easter.

Two websites that I found very useful for this crafty project: http://www.origami.com/ & http://www.paperprintables.com/

On both you will get what you need for this project, although, I did try to make a tutorial for our Flapping Bird origami.

Here it is:
What you will need for this project are:

-Some colorful papers

-Nylon fishing thread


- Scissors and a needle

First thing, you cut a square piece of paper, and fold it diagonally and only once on the center.

It should look like this.

Close the whole so as you get a triangle on both sides like this:

Take one side and fold the bottom of the triangle up, on the right side make sure the folding line goes till the middle and on the left side make sure the folding line reaches the left vertex.

It should create a fold on the inside creating one more triangle (here in white), make sure that the folding line reaches the vertex on the right of the main triangle, shown as follows:

Turn it around, and you'll be getting this:

Flip the right edge of this triangle to the left.

It will look the same as it was before you flipped the edge. Now, you will do a similar fold as the one before, fold the bottom of this triangle and make sure the folding line on the left edge is on the middle and that it reaches the vertex on the right, creating yet again a white triangle that will have a folding line reaching the triangle vertex on the left.

Facing this way, you should fold the right side up, press hard as you will need this to guide you through the coming steps. Here you go. And then press again the tip to create the beak, press hard! There, it should look like this:

Unfold these last two and open the bottom to introduce the tip you just folded by the folded lines you just did. It will make the white part of the paper show.

You see the other fold that you made earlier, you will then open this tip and fold as though the beak were to come out.

BRAVO! You're Flapping bird is done!

If you hold the tail and the bottom of the neck, and pull gently on either side to the opposite directions, you will flap its wings! YEY!

To finish the whole use the fishing threat and place a bead at one bottom, secure it! And the make a hole with the needle on the top of the bird, pass the thread through it and keep placing beads till you place the second bird and then attach it to the lamp.